How Past SEO Efforts Can Still Obstruct Organic Search Performance

Have your Google rankings dropped? With a small and often unannounced algorithmic changes rolled out regularly, many businesses find their rankings dropping for what seems like no apparent reason. The good news is, it’s probably not a direct penalty, and there are many things you can do to repair it. It’s likely that old SEO tactics applied to your website in the past have simply become obsolete and are starting to hurt your rankings. Here are some tips on putting your website back on top.

1.Go to Google Search Console to see what’s wrong.

Google Search Console (previously known as Google Webmaster Tools) is a free service that lets you see a lot of useful information about your website and its visitors. Use it to find out how many people come into your website and how they get there, what kinds of devices they used to surf your site (laptops, mobile phones, etc.), and which of your pages are the most popular. More importantly in this case, it can show you any website errors that you have to fix.

2.Do a thorough backlink profile assessment.

Perhaps you’re not aware that your previous as SEO agency used so called black-hat techniques on your website in the past—including spammy and low-quality backlinks that are hurting your rankings and must be removed immediately. Use the Google Disavow tool to do this.

3.Go all out on your content marketing efforts.

Even if you have high-quality content, you can still fall out of the rankings if your competitors increase their SEO efforts. The only way to get back in the game is to step up your own content marketing strategy, too.

To remember that there is no such thing as a magic formula—no optimum word count or keyword density to strictly follow. It’s often better to vary the format and the length of your content so that they appeal to different kinds of readers. Mix up shorter, news-like blogs with long-form content alongside infographics, videos, and research-driven pieces to make an impact.

Pay attention to your headlines, too. Even a great blog will go unread if it doesn’t have a compelling headline. Did you know that writers at Upworthy and BuzzFeed write an average of 20 headlines before deciding on one that they think will drive the most organic traffic? Apply the same prudence in your writing and you just might reap the rewards.

4.Focus on direct traffic generation.

It’s important to complement your organic traffic with the advertising traffic if you are serious about bringing relevant visitors into your website. Social media advertising and paid search can help you instantly get your website in front of more people while building your brand.

Don’t neglect your social media accounts. One of the best ways to drive traffic to your site is to use Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your content.

Take advantage of guest blogging, too. Don’t let other people tell you that it’s dead—it’s still very effective if you do in right. Getting a spot on a reputable website can dramatically increase your traffic as well as your credibility in your industry. Be warned, however. Google has become very strict about guest blogging standards in the last two years, so proceed with caution.

It’s also a good idea to invite bloggers in your niche to post something on your website. Guest blogging, after all, is a two-way street. They will probably share a link to their guest blog on their social media and on their own website, so this could bring you some new traffic.

Low-cost SEO and tactics and that worked in the past have become obsolete. You need to start focusing on solid as SEO strategies if you’re serious about long-term success. Combine SEO best practices with content marketing, PPC, and social media for a holistic approach. SEOValley can help. Contact us today.