How SEOValley Using Google Adwords Skyrocketed Metal Building Leads


Grizzly Steel Structures is a premier destination for top-notch steel structures. With a wide array of customizable options, we cater to residential, commercial, and agricultural requirements. A trusted choice for durable and cost-effective metal building solutions.


  • Our main challenge was to fully understand the preferences, pain points, and behaviours of the target audience, hindering the effectiveness of ad targeting.
  • Creating persuasive ad copy that effectively showcases the unique selling points of the metal building company and encourages clicks can be daunting.
  • Designing landing pages that drive conversions without prior knowledge of what resonates best with the audience.
  • To get the most out of the ad spend with effective Bid Management.
  • Accurate tracking and analysis of campaign performance are essential for measuring success and identifying areas for improvement. 


We set up the campaign from scratch and conducted a thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-intent search terms related to metal buildings, ensuring maximum visibility to potential customers actively searching for such services.

Next, we create compelling ad copy that highlights the company’s unique selling points, emphasizing quality, customization options, and fast delivery. Ad extensions like callouts and sitelinks were utilized to provide additional valuable information and increase ad visibility.

To enhance lead generation, we focused on local targeting to capture customers within the company’s service area. Geo-targeting and location-based bidding helped concentrate efforts on regions with the highest potential for conversions.

Landing pages were optimized for conversions, aligning with the ad content, and offering clear calls-to-action. To measure success, we implemented robust conversion tracking and regularly analyse campaign data to make data-driven optimizations, adjusting bids, and ad spend as needed.

A continuous process of testing and refining ensured a successful search campaign, delivering a steady stream of high-quality leads for the metal building company.


  • Keywords Research
  • Ad Copy Creation
  • Conversion Tracking Setup
  • PPC Management


Since we began working with Grizzly Steel Structures, the company has seen great results:

  • We observed the improvement in clicks and impressions while the total cost remaining the same.
  • Our ads started performing well and we recorded an exponential growth in the lead count by 481.28% in a short span of six month.
  • All core ad statistics were maintained at high levels, while keeping the average CPC and cost per conversion as lowest, resulting in an amazing ROI.
  • Effective bid management and good quality score helped us yield a remarkable conversion rate of 44.07%.

To learn more about SEOValley’s™ PPC services contact us today.

Grizzly Steel Structures